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Lesson 21 - Winds, Waves and Beasts of the Sea
Lesson 23 - The Sign of Loyalty
Study Questions
1. What happened to the fourth beast of Daniel 7? Daniel 7:11
2. The dominion of the other three beasts was taken away, yet what about their actual lives? Daniel 7:12
3. John saw a beast rise up out of what? Revelation 13:1
4. This beast was composed of characteristics from what three other beasts? Revelation 13:2
5. From whom did this beast receive his power, and his seat, and great authority? Revelation 13:2
6. Who is the dragon? Revelation 12:9
7. What name was written on the beast’s heads? Revelation 13:1
8. Blasphemy is when you, being a man, do what? John 10:33
9. The man of sin opposeth and exalteth himself how high? 2 Thessalonians 2:4
10. He as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself what? 2 Thessalonians 2:4
We are not to worship man (Acts 10:25, 26), good angels (Revelation 22:8, 9), fallen angels (Matthew 4:9, 10), or any created being (Romans 1:25). We are to worship Jesus (Hebrews 1:6; Philippians 2:10).
11. There was given unto the beast a mouth doing what? Revelation 13:5
12. What is said about the little horn’s mouth? Daniel 7:8
13. He shall speak great words against whom? Daniel 7:25
14. He opened his mouth in blasphemy against whom? Revelation 13:6
15. What was he allowed to do to the saints? Revelation 13:7
16. Daniel beheld, and the same horn did what? Daniel 7:21
17. They would be given into his hand until when? Daniel 7:25
18. He would think to change what? Daniel 7:25
19. Power was given to him over all what? Revelation 13:7
20. He was given power to continue how long? Revelation 13:5
21. John saw one of the beast’s heads as it were what? Revelation 13:3
22. What then happened to his deadly wound? Revelation 13:3
23. How popular did he become after that? Revelation 13:3
24. What are we told about all that dwell upon the earth that worship him? Revelation 13:8
25. What is the number of the beast? Revelation 13:18
26. What is one distinguishing doctrine of the anti-christ? 1 John 4:3